Monday, March 17, 2008


Because everyone needs a laugh during finals...

"Cu deficiency of damn during pregnancy."
-sys path lecture notes

When in doubt, cut it out!! -sys path

Heaven forbid you should learn something clinically important in the second year of your schooling. -radiology

Cor pulmonale. If you translate that from the Pig Latin... -sys path

Brown stuff that indicates badness is here... -sys path

They both tend to eat your face off, so that distinction is not of much prognostic value. -sys path

One solution is made up in absolute alcohol, so you get them drunk and anesthetized.- pharm

It sounds like a factory. I'm sure you all worked in factories as children. -sys path

This is like a heart with its t-shirt off. -sys path

1 comment:

The Ethical Miss said...


I like your blog - I'm adding you to my roll