Tuesday, November 4, 2008

For reals?

So I voted today, like a lot of other Americans...and it didn't feel very official. I arrived at my polling place and picked up my ballot, which was handed to me in a "secrecy folder," otherwise known as a 15 cent manila folder. It actually had a "secrecy folder" sticker on the front. Right. Next, I was given a black scented marker to fill out my ballot. That's right, the nasty licorice-scented marker no one wanted to use in 3rd grade ("So that's where they all went!" I exclaimed internally). I walked up to my polling booth (no curtain, just a metal, freestanding structure), filled in my selections, returned the ballot to the "secrecy folder," and headed over to the poll volunteers. They stuck the secrecy folder halfway into the ballot box and shook my now-unpleasantly-scented ballot into it, then handed me a souvenir ballot and an "I Voted" sticker. Question: what would have happened if my ballot had fallen out of the "secrecy folder" while it was being shaken into the ballot box?
On my way back to school, I considered stopping by Ben and Jerry's for a free scoop (if you prove you voted, you get a free scoop of ice cream), but alas, no free scoops until after the polls close...unfortunately I had lab and am now at work, so no ice cream for me. Starbucks is also offering free coffee but since I don't drink it, I guess I'm out of luck.
Are the freebies supposed to be incentives for people to vote? Honestly, I don't know if I want someone making decisions about the future of this country if their primary motivation to vote was to get a free snack. Come on. I'm probably the most politically apathetic person I know, and even I care enough to get to the polls without needing the promise of a sugar high.
I could buy the argument that B&Js is just being philanthropic and meeting the needs of hungry voters (my blood glucose was definitely low after my 4 minute voting adventure), but I'm not so sure about the 'Bucks. Oh well. For those of you who enjoyed a free cup of coffee or ice cream cone, well done! As a starving student I have to commend you for taking advantage of corporate America.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Ridiculous quotes and Halloween pics to be posted soon-ish.

1 comment:

Jenevieve said...

I love you. We voted as loud'n'proud as overseas absentee voters could, yes for Obama and no on 8. Glad Obama won, anyway.

"So, the vasectomy procedure is pretty much the same in tups, boars, bulls, people, you name it. [pause] Though, I hope they're a bit more sterile for men then we are on the farm. [another pause] At least put some gloves on, anyway."