Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whine and Cheese

Pet Peeve:
When people my age/younger call me "Sweetie." Are you my mom? I thought not.
Caveat: close friends can use sweetie, but sparingly.

In other news, I personally feel that Chevy's in Dixon has the best Happy Hour ever.
-Margaritas and floutas. Oh baby.
-Who the heck is in Dixon? Nobody. Hence, no crowds, excellent service.
-Socializing! Well, if you count whining about vet school as socializing.

We usually go once a week (the day changes)...how long do you think it will take before they memorize our order?

ps If you're in the Davis/Sac area, definitely jump on the Happy Hour bandwagon with us!!

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I love that you PURPOSELY go to Dixon.