Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Work hard, play hard.

A few highlights from the quarter:

Black and White formal with my favorite Creeper and future roomie (Lizzy)!

Megan participating in the tortilla toss at Bay to Breakers, rockin 80s workout gear.

Lizard and "Candy for Snacks," our favorite drink that we invented for her birthday Cocktail Party.

Amber, Jason and Lizzy enjoying Brewfest at Raley Field (I was the DD).

Ginger Spice and Sporty Spice at the Smoker 2008 ("Party like a Rock Star").

Little squeezing herself into her new favorite toy, providing comic relief while Annie and I study for finals. Seriously, she barely fits in that box.

Equine Locomotor Anatomy: the perfect excuse to color!!


Jenevieve said...

Excellent. I love Ginger Spice-- I almost spit out my grape juice. And what's in a Candy for Snacks? I want it.

When will you be down here? And why didn't you return my call, punk?

Jenevieve said...

When do we get to see tattoo pics?

Also, I have drawn that last pic many times. Boo.

Also, you're done!

Jenevieve said...

I miss you! And I still need to give you money!