Friday, April 24, 2009

The beginning of the end.

We got our senior year clinical rotation schedule today. Scary. I'm getting the party started with the Equine Medicine service! Clinics begin June 15th!


"You can see it's a team effort, because I'm in the back doing nothing." -FAM

"It wasn't really a walk, it was a Sling-Assisted Outdoor Experience." eq med

"What are events in a dairy cow's life? Her first mastitis. How sweet." -dairy herd health

Borrowed from small animal:

"What do you do next? (after viewing a lateral w/ a suspected foreign body) Take an orthogonal view! Great idea. We could have taped something to the outside of the body and radiographed it just to fool you. And see if you'd take it to surgery." -small animal radiology

Emergency & Critical Care
"What do they do on tv when a pateint's heart stops? Defibrillate. And what is defibrillation trying to do? Stop the heart. So this not actually an effective treatment for this. Shocking. Don't believe everything you see on tv."