Even though there are some things I definitely don't appreciate about CA, I think it's a waste of my time (and yours) to dwell on them. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I present for your blog-reading pleasure, why I appreciate CA:
In 'N Out. No need to list anything else, but since a list isn't very list-y with only one item on it, we'll keep going.
2) Pretty much any climate/environment you could ever want: forests, deserts, ocean, agriculture, big cities, small cities, rivers/lakes, etc. Unfortunate exception: rainforests.
3) It helped shape who I am. (Cheeseball, yes. But it's Thanksgiving, gimme a break.)
4) Variety of people (ie high fashion vs. the most amazing mullet I've ever seen!!, awesome Christian communities in the heart of materialistic LA, etc). Kind of a lame list item, honestly I just wanted to mention the mullet I saw today.
5) California Poppies (not for the opiate properties, just the color).
What do you love about the Golden State?